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Code.Org by Mind Map: Code.Org

1. latest trends in programming

1.1. everything is abouth programming now that the world is all about apps and videogames like snapchat, facebook or instagram

2. how can you help society

2.1. you can help them with the things you do with the programming, tihngs like games or apps for them to entretain

3. what you need to know in order to program?

3.1. you dont need to be a genius, just know the bases of math, reading and writing, everyone can laern to program thanks to the easy tools for making it

4. reasons to study programing

4.1. at this moment every job or most of them have something to do with programmig or technology, this mean you have better chances if you know how to program

4.2. is easy and improves your creativity, also is very fun and entertainig

5. important people and their advice about programming

5.1. Mark Zuckerberg, creator of facebook, sayd that is somthing easy and very funny to do that improve your creativity

5.2. Gabe Newell, creator of steam, he says that is very beutiful to create things from zero

6. low level and high level programming languages

6.1. is very esy to learn to program when you get the thing so that makes it a low level, just some thing have a little complicity