Evolution of programming website

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Evolution of programming website by Mind Map: Evolution of programming website

1. How you can help society to use it?

1.1. Staring since you are a child

2. Lastest trends

2.1. Is to have a idea, put in your hands a show to the world.

3. High level and Low level

3.1. High level are the most easy and low levelsl are the hardest

4. What you need to know in order to program?

4.1. You dont need to be ageanius, it is no different from playing an instrument or playing a sport

5. Reasons to study programming

5.1. It teaches you how to think, because in today days almost everything requieres some kind of programming. Also It has in common with the process of decomposing problems and it can open doors for you

6. Important people

6.1. Gabe: Being with other people to help you and collaborate together is what makes us successful

6.2. Drew: he syas taht it starts being intimidating but you end up catching the trick

6.3. Elena: start with the easier things

6.4. Makinde: is vety easy, is not like all people think

6.5. Jack: Clear goal of what we want to do

6.6. Bronwen: all of this can convert in open doors

6.7. Ruchi: all big thing are made in