Communities (Of Practice)

Thoughts about what a community is (in relation to communities of practice and implementing these within a large organisation)

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Communities (Of Practice) by Mind Map: Communities (Of Practice)

1. Can't be Owned

1.1. Supporting structures can be

2. Require leadership

2.1. Exemplifying use of the Community

2.2. build the fire of activities (Wenger)

2.3. Act as Commentator

3. Have Participants

3.1. Link In

3.2. Lurk (consume)

3.2.1. Build Knowledge

3.2.2. Increase Understanding

3.3. Learn

3.3.1. Read

3.3.2. Comment Research Analyse and Synthesize Critically Evaluate

3.4. Lead

3.5. Contribute

3.5.1. Publish

3.5.2. Share ideas and elaborate thoughts

3.5.3. Share Opinion

3.5.4. Need to be valued

3.6. Facilitate and Prompt

3.7. Individual "Sense of Identity"

4. Need to be Facilitated

5. Requires Active & Consistent Participation

6. Require Instigation

7. Influenced by Technology

8. Are Social

8.1. Friendship

8.2. Citizenship

8.3. Belonging

8.4. Kindness

9. Foster Conversation

10. Foster Learning

10.1. Instruction

10.2. Passion Based Learning

11. (can be) Work Related

11.1. More active

12. Allow Sharing

12.1. Things

12.2. Ideas/Knowledge

13. Must have a "sense of purpose"

13.1. Direction or Aim

14. Act as a Sounding Board

15. Allow Discovery

16. Group Factors

16.1. Development of "Group Identity"

17. Must share a common interest