Infanzia abbandonata

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Infanzia abbandonata by Mind Map: Infanzia abbandonata

1. Sviluppo dell'istituto di adozione (storia)

2. Recalcati "Il complesso di Telemaco"

3. Dickens and the orphan "Oliver Twist"(inglese)

4. Pasolini "Salò" (italiano)

5. Lacan " La Legge della Parola"(filosofia)

6. Jadwiga Bronte "The invisible people of Belarus" (arte)

7. Menandro "Epitrépontes"(greco)

8. Giulia Bielli V°C, 2017

9. "..-I would like to be your mind/ to know you within/ and understand why you left me [...]/how it may be you don't need me/ as much as I need you [...] So, it's difficult for me to say/ I'm mad about the way/ Mummy, you left me behind..." from "Your" life by Giulia Bielli, terzo premio concorso "Raccolta differenziata di poesia" Liceo Statale Classico-Linguistico "Immanuel Kant"