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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Formative

1.1. Assessment that is focused of feedback for both teachers and students. Primarily used to check comprehension and make adjustments to instruction

1.1.1. Quizzes or Reflections

2. Interim/Benchmark

2.1. Short tests administered throughout the school year that give teachers immediate feedback on how students are meeting academic standards.

2.1.1. CBA or BAS

3. Summative

3.1. Assessment that evaluates student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.

3.1.1. End of Year or Midterm

4. Performance

4.1. A form of testing that requires students to perform a task rather than select an answer from a ready-made list.

4.1.1. Projects or Essays

5. Diagnotic

5.1. Diagnostic assessments (also known as pre-assessments) provide instructors with information about student's prior knowledge and misconceptions before beginning a learning activity.

5.1.1. Content Pretest or Baseline Test

6. Assessment Data

6.1. 3rd Grade Math Assessment Student 1: 75% Student 2: 40% Student 3: 50%

6.1.1. Student 1 RTI Strategy 1. Reteach the place value 2. Concept review of steps

6.1.2. Student 2 RTI Strategy 1.Reteach regrouping in small group. 2. Use manipulatives objects

6.1.3. Student 3 RTI Strategy 1. Practice flashcards with peer 2. Reduce problems on page


7.1. Opening

7.1.1. What does the position of a number tell us?

7.1.2. What is the first step to make sure we are adding the correct place values?

7.1.3. What is the word problem asking us to do?

7.2. Guiding

7.2.1. When should we regroup?

7.2.2. How many units can be in any place value?

7.2.3. What happens to the next place value when we regoup?

7.3. Closing

7.3.1. How can we check our answer?

7.3.2. Does each place value have 9 or less?

7.3.3. Tell me why we have to regroup?