The Online or Blended Teacher

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The Online or Blended Teacher por Mind Map: The Online or Blended Teacher

1. As Technologist

2. Learning Designer

2.1. Design course based on sound andragogy or pedagogy

3. Provides the scaffolds

4. Acts as Expert

5. Promotes practice of skills

6. Promotes learning

7. New node

8. Provide the human face

9. Moderates

10. Facilitates

10.1. Content

10.2. Process

10.2.1. Discussion Guides Argument and Reasoning Resolves Conflict

10.3. Clarifies

11. Teaches by providing

11.1. Content Knowledge

11.1.1. Pedagogical Content Knowledge

11.2. Research Knowledge

11.3. Professional Knowledge

11.4. "Classroom" knowledge and Skill

12. Manages

13. Administers

14. Acts as Counsellor & Adviser

15. Guides

16. Provides Feedback

17. Lead Discussion and conversation

17.1. Analyse

18. Motivates

18.1. Motivate participants to comment on others arguments

19. New node