Structure of our Proposal Document

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Structure of our Proposal Document by Mind Map: Structure of our Proposal Document

1. Link to proposed service structure mindmap

2. Intial thoughts on Structure of Propoosal document?

2.1. Background

2.2. Summary

2.3. Costings

2.4. ...

2.5. Carrie's uploaded business case example

2.5.1. Executive Summary Aims Outputs Outcomes

2.5.2. The case for change

2.5.3. Evidence of engagement

2.5.4. Financial appraisal

2.5.5. Market appraisal

2.5.6. Expected time to delivery

2.5.7. Risk assessment

2.5.8. Benefits realisation

2.5.9. Performance, governance and quality

2.5.10. Conclusion

2.6. Marie's comprehensive document uploaded

2.7. Further headings

2.7.1. Equality assessment

2.7.2. Involvement process

2.7.3. Best value for money

2.7.4. Evaluation Compliance

2.7.5. Steering group

2.7.6. Criteria Inclusion Exclusion

3. This is a work in progress, Please add to and rearrange

4. Requirements Outlined in Initial Document and Clarifying Questions