KOffice 2

Preparation for KOffice talk at OpenExpo in Winterthur on Sept. 24th

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KOffice 2 создатель Mind Map: KOffice 2

1. KWord

1.1. proper page management

1.1.1. Per page sizing / settings

1.1.2. PageSpreads (center page)

1.2. still frame based, but invisible to non-DTP user

1.3. paragraph & character styles

1.4. paragraph tool

1.4.1. screenhot

2. KSpread

2.1. no clue!

3. Kexi

3.1. not in 2.0

4. My Geistesblitzes

4.1. collaboration

4.2. photos of fruits/veggies

4.3. make list first

5. resources

5.1. http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/KOffice_Overview

5.2. http://dot.kde.org/1149518002/

6. Kivio

6.1. Not in 2.0

7. KAtelier

8. Overview

8.1. PDF generation

8.1.1. Custom page sizes (envelopes)

8.1.2. Translucency works only in PDF

8.2. plugins/macros/scripts

8.2.1. list

8.2.2. screenshots

8.3. common canvas/rendering

8.4. common input methods WYSIWYG/docks

8.5. edit vector shapes inline

8.6. platform independent

8.6.1. office suite based on KDE screenshot mac screenshot linux/KDE screenshot gnome screenshot windows

8.6.2. ODF ODF ODF!!! easy exchange with other apps koOdf library for 2.1

8.6.3. standalone office

8.7. integration!!!

8.8. same toolset in every app -> same functionality

8.8.1. demo; edit an inline-vector image in text and show text-runaround updating as you play with the vectors.

8.9. Pigment -> colour management

8.10. mostly new code

9. Krita

9.1. Layers: different types, grouping etc.

9.2. copy & paste rich text from any Qt app

9.3. PaintOP

9.4. amazing tablet and natural media support

9.4.1. screenshot natural painting

10. KPresenter

10.1. Uses Flake to show images, text and vector graphics.

11. KPlato (project management)

11.1. no clue!