Office of the Director

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Office of the Director by Mind Map: Office of the Director

1. Administration

1.1. Human Resources

1.2. Budget & Finance

1.3. Facilities/Equipment

2. Highway Transporation

2.1. Planning and Design

2.1.1. Programming & Planning

2.1.2. Environmental Analysis

2.1.3. Geometric Design

2.1.4. Pavement Design

2.1.5. Structural Design

2.2. Construction & Preservation

2.2.1. Construction Engineering

2.2.2. Construction Management

2.2.3. Pavement Construction

2.2.4. Pavement Preservation

2.2.5. Materials

2.2.6. Geotechnology

2.2.7. Structural Preservation

2.3. Operations & Safety

2.3.1. Highway Safety

2.3.2. Traffic Operations (CATS LAB)

2.3.3. ITS & Traffic Management

2.3.4. Incident Management

3. Program Management

3.1. InfoTech & Services

3.2. Outreach and Marketing / IP

3.3. Strategic Planning & Assessment

3.4. Development Support

4. Beyond Highways

4.1. Technology Transfer

4.1.1. Education

4.1.2. Professional Development

4.1.3. Workforce Training

4.1.4. Local Technical Assistance

4.1.5. Events / Workshops

4.1.6. Transportation Library

4.2. Transportation Enhancements

4.2.1. Public Involvement

4.2.2. Planning

4.2.3. Bike / Ped Safety Facilities

4.2.4. Historic Preservation

4.2.5. Archaeology

4.2.6. Streetscape Design

4.2.7. Land Use Planning

4.2.8. Inventory Control

4.2.9. Environmental Mitigation

4.2.10. Adaptive Re-Use

4.3. Intermodal / Operations

4.3.1. Freight / Logistics

4.3.2. Security

4.3.3. Commercial Vehicle Operations

4.3.4. Transit

4.3.5. Inland Waterways

4.3.6. Forgotten Modes

4.3.7. Rail

4.4. Finance & Logistics

4.4.1. Policy

4.4.2. Funding

4.4.3. Sustainability

4.4.4. System Presevation

4.4.5. Economic Impact

4.4.6. Logistics