Core Idea ETS2: Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society ...

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Core Idea ETS2: Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society {How are engineering, technology, science, and society interconnected?} by Mind Map: Core Idea ETS2:            Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, and Society                              {How are engineering, technology, science, and society interconnected?}

1. ETS2.B: Influence of Engineering, Technology, and Science on Society and the Natural World {How do science, engineering, and the technologies that result from them affect the ways in which people live? How do they affect the natural world?}

1.1. By the end of grade 2. People depend on various technologies in their lives; human life would be very different without technology.

1.2. By the end of grade 5. Over time, people’s needs and wants change, as do their demands for new and improved technologies.

1.3. By the end of grade 8. All human activity draws on natural resources and has both short- and long-term consequences, positive as well as negative, for the health of both people and the natural environment.

1.4. By the end of grade 12. Modern civilization depends on major technological sys- tems, including those related to agriculture, health, water, energy, transportation, manufacturing, construction, and communications.

2. ETS2.A: Interdependence of Science, Engineering, and Technology {What are the relationships among science, engineering, and technology?}

2.1. By the end of grade 2. People encounter questions about the natural world every day. There are many types of tools produced by engineering that can be used in science to help answer these questions through observation or measurement.

2.2. By the end of grade 5. Tools and instruments (e.g., rulers, balances, thermometers, graduated cylinders, telescopes, microscopes) are used in scientific exploration to gather data and help answer questions about the natural world.

2.3. By the end of grade 8. Engineering advances have led to important discoveries in virtually every field of science, and scientific discoveries have led to the develop- ment of entire industries and engineered systems.

2.4. By the end of grade 12. Science and engineering complement each other in the cycle known as research and development (R&D).

3. Engineering, Technology and Applications of Science