Identification method of microorganisms

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Identification method of microorganisms by Mind Map: Identification method of microorganisms

1. Biochemical tests

1.1. To verify its metabolic activity

1.1.1. - Phenol Red broth - Casease Test - Gelatin Test - Lipase Test - Starch hydrolysis - Motility test - Catalase test

2. Morphology characteristics

2.1. - cell type (prokaryote or eukaryote) - shape and size - cellular grouping (chain, clump) - external structures (flagella, motility) - internal structures (inclusion granules)

3. Gram stain

3.1. Gram positive : Purple

4. Stain bacteria with waxy material

5. Endospore staining

5.1. Schaeffer-Fulton endospore stain

5.1.1. Use a mordant and stain carbolfuchsin to coat the flagella

5.2. Endospore appear green within pink cells

6. Numerical taxonomy

6.1. Computer assisted taxonomy

7. Differential staining

7.1. Gram negative : Pink

7.2. Acid-fast stain

7.3. Negative staining for capsules

7.3.1. Use india ink to provide a contrasting background then stain with safranin

7.4. Flagella staining