Who or what really matters in a Catholic Schools?

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Who or what really matters in a Catholic Schools? by Mind Map: Who or what really matters in a Catholic Schools?

1. The Heart of the Catholic School

1.1. Why Catholic schools

1.1.1. Reasons for parents: 1. The quality of the teachers 2. The quality of education at the school 3. The religious character of the school

1.1.2. Reasons for Teachers: 1. Motivation 1 love of teaching 2. The quality of the teachers in the school 3. Religious nature of the school

1.2. Community

1.2.1. Every school should initiate meetings and other programs which will make parents more conscience of their role and help to establish partnership.

1.2.2. School Leadership

1.2.3. Teachers

1.2.4. Teachers of Religion

1.3. Religion as a Learning area

1.3.1. Aims to share Catholic faith by promoting knowledge and understanding of the gospel as it is handed on by the Catholic Church

1.3.2. Early Years: listen and talk about stories, ask questions, reflect, use their imagination to develop their appreciation

1.4. How to approach religion

1.4.1. Use an approach that is educational

1.4.2. Recognise the students level of readiness for learning in this area

1.4.3. Start with their experiences, their world, use their language, plan

2. Teachers

2.1. Vocation

2.1.1. Each person has a God given vocation

2.1.2. Focus on the children and the love of teaching

2.1.3. What we always get drawn back too

2.1.4. Venn Diagram

2.1.5. Educate the whole person

2.1.6. Evangulise, be good news

2.1.7. Nurture children to discover their vocation

2.2. Flynns model

2.3. Creating good culutre through good teachers

2.4. As a job

2.4.1. Money

2.5. Career/profession

2.5.1. Requirements

2.5.2. Registration

2.5.3. Training

2.5.4. Knowledge (specialised)

2.6. Standards you have to meet

2.6.1. Professional knowledge

2.6.2. Professional practice

2.6.3. Professional engagement

2.6.4. Professional boundaries

2.7. Expectations

2.7.1. The mandate

2.7.2. Understand the gospel

2.7.3. Build up and contribute to the culture of the Catholic schools

2.7.4. Take part in spiritual and religious formation

2.7.5. Commit to ideals and objectives

2.7.6. Appreciate and value the Catholic vision and work to integrate faith

3. Nurturing Spiritual Development

3.1. Flynns Model

3.1.1. Core Beliefs and Values

3.1.2. Traditions

3.1.3. Rituals

3.1.4. Symbols

3.2. Evangelisation

3.2.1. Witness through actions and words that reflects Christ like presence.

3.2.2. Using words to proclaim the good news in the same ways as Jesus did

3.3. Religious Education

3.3.1. The Mandate

3.3.2. The purpose of the Catholic Church is to play an important part in the Church's mission of evangelisation The Church exists in order to evangelise

3.4. Proclamation

3.4.1. Raising religious awareness

3.4.2. Reflection and Discussion

3.4.3. Growing awareness of their personal experiences and their need of Gods help

3.4.4. Leadership as service

3.4.5. Modelling

3.4.6. Using aspects of Flynns Model

3.5. Catechism

3.5.1. The central activity of evangelisation

3.5.2. Proclaiming good news, building up faith

3.5.3. Effective Catechism develops and matures faith to the depth required to live the Christian life

3.5.4. To grow faith young people need catechesis from their parents from their early years

3.5.5. Schools develop a culture of catechesis by offering students an experience of liturgies, prayer, retreats, Easter and Christmas celebrations

3.5.6. Achieved through participation

3.5.7. Result: helps children appreciate Catholic symbols, Catholic practices, customary signs of relevance

4. What Matters

4.1. Reasons for choosing Catholic Schools

4.2. Who is apart of Catholic Schools

4.3. The children

4.3.1. Friends and relationships are most important

4.4. A good culture

5. Who Matters

5.1. Parents

5.2. Teachers

5.3. Catholic School Community

5.3.1. Parish

5.3.2. Parish Priest

5.3.3. Teachers

5.3.4. Parents

5.3.5. Students

5.4. The Students

6. Spirituality

6.1. "It takes a whole village to raise a chi;d"

6.2. Evangelisation

6.2.1. Not effective if it does not take into account the actual people whom it is addressed Does not use their language Does not know their signs and symbols Does not answers the questions they ask Does not have impact on their concrete life

6.3. Methodology

6.4. Influence

6.5. Inherent in every human being

6.5.1. Children can be assumed to have a spirituality even if they do not belong to a religion

6.6. 4 dimensions; body, mind, heart and spirit

6.7. Relationship with others, God, self and all of creation

6.8. Identity

6.8.1. Who am I (meaning)

6.8.2. What is life about (purpose)

6.8.3. Why am I here (resilience)

6.8.4. Can I cope (thriving)

6.8.5. Where do I find what makes me happy (human development)

6.9. Nurturing spiritual development

6.9.1. Safe and trusting environment

6.9.2. Good relationships (appropriate)

6.9.3. Encouraging creativity

6.9.4. Making time for quiet

6.9.5. Making time for prayer

6.9.6. Question is encouraged and voices are heard