Bloom's Taxonomy & Technology Application

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Bloom's Taxonomy & Technology Application by Mind Map: Bloom's Taxonomy & Technology Application

1. 4) Analyzing

1.1. How: "Differeniate, organize, relate, compare, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test" (Armstrong, n.d.).

1.1.1. Digital Application: PiktoChart Objective: SWBAT create an Infographic on Piktochart comparing and contrasting the different forms of contraceptives.

1.2. Analyzing Expectation:

2. 5) Evaluating

2.1. How: Appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, critique, weight" (Armstrong, n.d.).

2.1.1. Digital Application: Edmodo Objective: SWBAT engage on the Edmodo discussion board, defending their view of what they think are the best forms of contraceptives for a given context.

2.2. Evaluating Expectation: Students will be able to ustify a stand or decision

3. 1) Remembering

3.1. How: "define, duplicate, list, memorize, repeat, state" (Armstrong, n.d.)

3.1.1. Digital Application: ThinkLink Application Objective: SWBAT list the different kinds of contraceptives

3.2. What: In the lesson students are able to recall facts concepts.

4. 2) Understanding

4.1. How: "classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate" (Armstrong, nd.)

4.1.1. Digital Application: ThinkLink Application + Google Docs Objective: SWBAT describe the different types of contraceptives in their Google docs notes.

4.2. Understanding Expectation: Students In the lesson students area showing they can explain ideas and meanings

5. 3) Applying

5.1. How: "execute, implement, solve, use, demonstrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch" (Armstrong, n.d.).

5.1.1. Digital Application: Virtual Lab Objective: SWBAT execute a virtual lab that highlights the science behind the different forms of contraceptives.

5.1.2. .

5.2. Applying Expectation: Student are able to use what they have learned in a new context

6. 6) Creating

6.1. How: Design, assemble, conjecture, develop, formulate, author, investigate" (Armstrong, n.d.).

6.1.1. Digital Application: WeVideo Objectives: SWBAT design a public service announcement for teens about contraceptives.

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