Chemistry: Atoms, Elements, and Compunds

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Chemistry: Atoms, Elements, and Compunds by Mind Map: Chemistry: Atoms, Elements, and Compunds

1. Physical and Chemical Properties

1.1. Chemical Change

1.1.1. Change in Heat

1.1.2. Combustibility

1.2. Physical Change

1.2.1. Change in colour

2. Atomic Theory

2.1. All mater is made of small, indivisible particles called atom

2.2. All the atoms of an element are identical in properties such as size and mass

2.3. Atoms of different elements have different properties

2.4. Atoms of different elements can combine in specific ways to form new substances

3. Elements

3.1. Oxygen

3.2. Hydrogen

3.3. Carbon

4. Particle Theory of Matter

4.1. All matter is composed of very tiny objects called particles

4.2. All particles have spaces between them

4.3. Particles present in matter are always in motion

4.4. The particles in a substance attract each other.

5. Bohr Diagram

6. Matter

6.1. Mass

6.2. Volume

6.3. Solid

6.4. Liquid

6.5. Gas

6.6. Mixtures

6.6.1. Heterogeneous Mixture Mechanical Mixture Suspensions

6.6.2. Homogenous Mixture Solutions

6.7. Pure Substances

6.7.1. Compounds

6.7.2. Elements

7. Periodic Table

8. Changes of state

8.1. Melting

8.2. Evaporation

8.3. Condensation

8.4. Freezing

8.5. Sublimation

8.6. Deposition

9. Atom

9.1. Protons

9.2. Electrons

9.3. Nucleus

9.4. Valence Shells

9.5. Atomic Number

9.6. Atomic Mass