Kubernauts Open Trainings Phase Two
by Arash Kaffamanesh
1. Kubernetes Clusters
1.1. Kops
1.1.1. Kops FastStart
1.2. Minikube
1.3. Kubeadm
1.4. Minishift
1.5. Open Datacentre
1.6. Kubicorn
1.6.1. AWS
1.6.2. ACS
1.6.3. Bare Metal
1.6.4. Digital Ocean
1.6.5. GKE
1.6.6. OpenStack
1.7. Apprenda Kismatic
1.8. Kubespray
1.9. GKE
1.10. ACS
1.11. (AKE)
1.12. OpenStack
1.13. Digital.Rebar
1.14. OpenShift (Origin)
1.15. QuadrupleO
1.16. Deis Workflow
1.17. Rancher
1.18. Others?
2. CI/CD w/ Minikube and Kops
2.1. Virtual Class #1
2.2. Documentation
2.3. Deploy Jenkins to k8s (with helm)
2.4. Use Kubernauts Github repo KopsFastStart
2.5. Build container images and push to the registry (Dockerhub)
2.6. KDL diagram depicting the overall architecture
2.7. Provide video recordings
3. K8s Learning Resources
3.1. Kubernetes documentation
3.2. Linux Foundation Course
3.3. Bootcamp
3.4. Katacoda Interactive Courses
3.5. Others (see excel sheet)
4. Kubernetes Patterns
5. Kubernetes Security Training