Sustainable Solution to Coral Bleaching Around the World

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Sustainable Solution to Coral Bleaching Around the World by Mind Map: Sustainable Solution  to Coral Bleaching Around the World

1. possible or some solutions

1.1. use renewable energy in your everyday life

1.2. don't waste any food, water or energy

1.3. switch of electronics when you're not using them

1.4. install solar panels or other clean, renewable energy stuff

1.5. reduce pollution

1.6. take more public which results in less cars that give out CO2 as pollution

1.7. How You Can Stop Global Warming

2. coral bleaching

2.1. In the great barrier reef, there are many types of coral that has a relationship with a tiny marine algae (zooxanthellae). They provide up to 90% of the food and energy the corals need to survive. Coral bleaching happens when the relationship breaks up or stops.

2.2. the relationship stops may be because of the rise in temperature in the ocean water. When the bleaching happens, the algae will leave the host and the host will start to bleach. Once bleaching starts, 90% of the coral types will die and not be able to survive because they can't feed themselves.

2.3. Coral bleaching - GBRMPA

3. some solutions to coral bleaching

3.1. use water more effectively and save it wisely

3.2. plant a tree or grow more vegetation to benefit the environment and the ecosystem

3.3. pick up rubbish on the beach to reduce the pollution

4. The Great Barrier Reef

4.1. has a total area of 344, 400 km^2

4.2. about the size of Italy in length

4.3. largest living 'thing' on planet Earth and it can even be visible from space

4.4. largest living structure with around 2900 individual reefs and 900 islands

4.5. Facts about the Great Barrier Reef - GBRMPA

4.6. between 60 and 250km in width

4.7. world's largest coral reef system

4.8. average depth of 35 meters in its inshore water and in some of the outside water it goes down to 2000 meters

5. Climate change

5.1. climate change causes global warming which rises the average temperature of the planet every year

5.2. it will also cause the rise in CO2 which is all absorbed by the ocean and it causes the water temperature to rise in the ocean and seas

5.3. this will cause the corals to become white, this is called ' coral bleaching '

5.4. the ocean acidic level will also rise and it will cause harm to the corals