Ecosystem: influenced by a combination of physical, chemical and biological factors, that d...

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Ecosystem: influenced by a combination of physical, chemical and biological factors, that determine how an organism survives and grows, and the productivity of the system where it lives. by Mind Map: Ecosystem:   influenced  by a combination of  physical, chemical and  biological factors, that  determine how an  organism survives and  grows, and the  productivity of the  system where it lives.

1. References: Abiotic and Biotic Factors. (2017). Abiotic Transformation. (n.d.) Segen's Medical Dictionary. (2011). Retrieved August 8 2017 from Abiotic Transformation Biotic and Abiotic Factors. (2011). Burns, R. A. (2013) Fundamentals of Chemistry (4th Ed). Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall J, D. (1991). Impact of wildlife on the environment. - PubMed - NCBI. Retrieved 9 August 2017, from Núñez, L., & Gutiérrez, M. (2017). No. 1_Topic_1_biotic_abiotic_17. Presentation.

2. Martha Grullón A01652771 502


4. Interactions and transformations

4.1. Biotic-Biotic, EX: Bears need to feed on fish to survive so the population of fishes eventually decreases.

4.2. Abiotic-Biotic: EX: The sun and the rain make plants grow wich produce the oxygen other living organisms need to live

4.3. Biotic-Abiotic: EX: Herbivore animals such as rabbits need to eat plants to survive and then be eaten by predators making food chain.

4.4. MASS-MASS: EX: paper into ashes

4.5. Mass-energy, EX: The combustion of wood in a bonfire: wood changes producing heat and smoke

4.6. Energy-energy: Thermal Energy


5.1. Mass: how matter exists in form of particles. It is the measurement of the quantity of matter that a body has.

5.2. Energy: Is the capacity to perform work or produce a change.

5.2.1. Kinetic energy: (movement)

5.2.2. Potential energy: (rest)

6. enviromental factors

6.1. Biotic: Living factors

6.2. Abiotic: non-living factors