Special Education

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Special Education by Mind Map: Special Education

1. IEP

1.1. Modifications

1.1.1. Changes to the curriculum Student shall not grade below a C

1.2. Accommodations

1.2.1. Anything to assist the child to complete work at curriculum grade level More time on tests Silent area Use of assistive tech Educational Assistant

1.3. IPRC

1.3.1. I.D. and placement

1.4. ISRC

1.4.1. Brings concerns to the IPRC

1.5. Updated regularly

1.6. Alternative

2. Adaptive/Assistive Technologies

2.1. High Tech

2.1.1. Laptops/Tablets/Smartphones

2.1.2. Applications

2.1.3. SMARTboards/Interactive whiteboards

2.2. Low Tech

2.2.1. Wheelchair/walker

2.2.2. Graphic Organizers

2.2.3. Plickers

3. Mental Health

3.1. Depression/Suicide

3.2. Anxiety

3.3. OCD

3.4. Personality Disorders

3.5. ODD

3.6. Therapies/Medications/Counselling

3.7. Abuse

3.8. Warning signs

3.9. I have had to deal with mental health struggles both personally and with family members

4. Teacher Duties

4.1. No diagnoses by teachers

4.2. Document behaviours diligently

4.3. Notify administration

5. Executive Functioning

5.1. Time management

5.2. Organization

5.3. Starting tasks

6. Exceptionalities

6.1. Behaviour

6.2. Communication

6.2.1. ASD During both practica, I've worked closely with ASD students

6.2.2. Language impairment

6.2.3. Hard of hearing

6.3. Learning Disability

6.3.1. Dyscalculaia/Dyslexia/Dysphonia

6.4. Intellectual

6.4.1. Developmental

6.5. Physical

7. People-First Language

7.1. Students with disabilities

8. Interventions

8.1. In-school or out-of-school counselling

8.2. Learning plan for student

8.3. Parental involvement

8.4. Notify Administration

9. Instruction

9.1. Differentiated

9.2. Integration

9.3. Segregation

10. Parental Support

10.1. Parental involvement

10.1.1. "Guest"

10.2. Parental engagement

10.2.1. Interactive member of the community

10.2.2. Positive benefits