Email Marketing

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Email Marketing by Mind Map: Email Marketing

1. Announcement email

1.1. Seasonal promotion

1.1.1. Discount for special flower

1.1.2. Discount for Happy Monday

1.2. Introduce new collections

1.2.1. Flower collection for parents/colleagues, partners...

1.3. Inform about new features/services of Hoayeuthuong

2. Reminder Email

2.1. 4.1 Birthday Email

2.1.1. Father/Mother's Day

2.1.2. Flower Tip promotion for season flower 4.3 Christmast Sesson for Lover

2.1.3. Promotion 4.4 Valentine's Day Email

2.1.4. Mother/Father 's Day Reminder Mother's birthday reminder promotion Father's birthday reminder promotion Wife/husband's birthday promotion

2.2. Anniversary email

2.2.1. Valentine reminder

2.2.2. Birthday reminder

2.2.3. Flower Tip

2.3. Valentine email

2.3.1. Mother/Father's Day

2.3.2. Flower Tip Promotion for season flower

2.3.3. Christmas season for love

2.4. Easter email

3. Promotion email

3.1. Special Offer

3.1.1. Remind recipients of what they love

3.1.2. Seasonal changes your recipients care about ( các dịp đặc biệt họ se quan tâm)

4. Notification email

4.1. Welcome email

4.2. Registration confirmation

4.3. Order confirmation email

4.3.1. Order confirmation (from the 2nd order)

4.3.2. Order confirmation (from the 1st order)

4.3.3. Order confirmation (from the 6th order)

4.3.4. Order confirmation (from the 12th order)

4.4. Thank You Email

5. Flower Tips Email

5.1. How to make your house become beautiful?

5.2. How to make impression to customer ?

5.3. Cách giúp lấy lại hứng làm viêc cho ngày thứ 2 ?

6. Survey email

7. Email for receiver

7.1. Bạn có thấy hài lòng về mẫu hoa được tặng

7.2. Nhắc nhở về ngày sinh nhật của người tặng

7.3. Mẹo bảo quản hoa tươi lâu