Progression of Grammar Concepts in IEI

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Progression of Grammar Concepts in IEI by Mind Map: Progression of Grammar Concepts in IEI

1. Level 1

1.1. Correct F-1 Errors

1.2. Compound Sentences

1.3. Complex Sentences

1.4. Coordinating Conjunctions

1.5. Comparative Adjectives

1.6. Superlative Adjectives

1.7. Adverbs of Manner

1.8. Adverbs of Degree

1.9. Simple Future

1.10. Present Progressive

1.11. can / could

1.12. Distinguish Count/Noncount Nouns

1.13. Questions with much/many

1.14. Quantifiers

1.15. Articles - a/an/the/ Ø [no article]

2. Level F

2.1. Correct F Errors

2.2. Label Parts of Speech

2.3. Descriptive Adjectives

2.4. Adverbs of Frequency

2.5. Prepositions of Location

2.6. Prepositions of Time

2.7. [BE] Verb

2.8. [Have]

2.9. Simple Present

2.10. Simple Past

2.11. Plural Nouns

2.12. Articles - a/an

2.13. This, That, These, Those

2.14. Possessives

2.15. Subject/Object Pronouns

3. Level 2

3.1. Correct F-2 Errors

3.2. Factual Conditionals

3.2.1. Adverbs of Frequency

3.2.2. Adverbs of Manner

3.2.3. Adverbs of Degree

3.2.4. Time Clauses

3.2.5. Prepositions of Place and Time

3.2.6. Prepositions of Direction and Manner

3.2.7. Past Progressive

3.2.8. Modals necessity prohibition preference probability

3.2.9. Gerunds & Infinitives

3.2.10. Articles with Place Names

4. Level 3

4.1. Correct F-3 Errors

4.2. Future Conditionals

4.3. Subject Relative Clauses

4.4. Object Relative Clauses

4.5. Prepositions of Place and Time

4.6. Prepositions of Direction and Manner

4.7. Phrasal Prepositions

4.8. Prepositions after Adjectives

4.9. Explain difference in meaning and use F-3 verbs in appropriate contexts

4.10. Present Perfect

4.11. Present Perfect Progressive

4.12. F-3 Count/Noncount Nouns

4.13. Quantifiers

4.14. Articles

4.15. Possessive Pronouns

4.16. Reflexive Pronouns

4.17. Pronouns as Direct & Indirect Objects

5. Level 4

5.1. Correct F-4 Errors

5.2. Coordinating Conjunctions

5.3. Correlative Conjunctions

5.4. Present Real Conditionals

5.5. Future Real Conditionals

5.6. Adverb Clauses

5.7. Reduced Adverb Clauses

5.8. Relative Clauses - when & where

5.9. Reduced Relative Clauses

5.10. Participles (Past & Present) as Adjectives

5.11. Explain appropriate contexts for all verb tenses

5.12. Past Perfect

5.13. Passive

5.14. Articles

5.15. Quantifiers

6. Level 5

6.1. Correct F-5 Errors

6.2. Unreal Conditionals

6.3. Past Unreal Conditionals

6.4. Future Time Clauses

6.5. Modals of the Past

6.6. Modals of Probability for Inference (Past)

6.7. Modals of Probability for Prediction (Present)

6.8. Infinitives after verbs (e.g. causatives)

6.9. Reported Speech

6.9.1. Produce texts appropriately using passive and active voice

6.9.2. Produce texts appropriately using verb tense (time & aspect)

6.10. Distinguish between Gerunds and Infinitives

6.11. Infinitives after Adjectives and Nouns

6.12. Reflexive Pronouns

6.13. Indefinite Pronouns

6.13.1. Other/Another

6.14. Gerunds after Prepositions

6.15. Noun + of + Gerund

6.16. Gerunds as Subjects and Objects

6.17. Noun Clauses

7. Level 6

7.1. Evaluate others' writings for grammatical clarity

7.2. Correct any grammar errors

7.3. Cohesive devices for written texts

7.4. Complex sentences w/ appropriate, grammatical clauses: adverb clauses relative clauses noun clauses reduced phrases for adverb clauses reduced phrases for relative clauses reduced phrases for noun clauses

7.5. [162G. 9] Produce graduate-level texts incorporating nuanced language choices: hedging, boosting, and positioning

7.6. Produce complex sentences using appropriate, grammatical clauses: adverb clauses relative clauses reduced phrases for adverb clauses reduced phrases for relative clauses

7.7. Explain how minor grammatical changes can affect meaning

7.8. Distinguish between future forms