Environmental Science: Endangered Species

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Environmental Science: Endangered Species por Mind Map: Environmental Science: Endangered Species

1. What is causing these species to become endangered according to Environmental Scientists?

1.1. The Arctic’s polar bears have become the iconic symbol of early victims of climate-induced habitat loss.

1.1.1. World Wildlife Fund

1.1.2. Endangered Species : New Research

1.2. Threatened primarily by oil spills, Magellanic penguins, now face a larger threat as fish are displaced by warming ocean currents.

1.2.1. World Wildlife Fund

1.2.2. Endangered Species : New Research

2. What are an Environmental Scientist's primary duties?

2.1. Environmental scientists can work in Labs testing anything from soil quality, air quality or general health of living species.

2.1.1. Zoo Websites

2.1.2. national and state park websites

2.1.3. Endangered Species : New Research

2.2. Environmental Scientists can work outdoors in the field doing the same times of work. Also watching the environment and seeing any changes that occur.

2.2.1. national and state park websites

2.2.2. Zoo Websites

2.2.3. Endangered Species : New Research

3. What are some of the different endangered species being protected?

3.1. There may be as few as 3,200 tigers left in the wild.

3.1.1. World Wildlife Fund

3.1.2. Zoo Websites

3.1.3. Endangered Species : New Research

3.2. There are roughly 1,600 giant pandas in the wild.

3.2.1. World Wildlife Fund

3.2.2. Zoo websites

3.2.3. Endangered Species : New Research

4. What are Environmental Scientists doing to help endangered species?

4.1. Raising awareness in general.

4.1.1. World Wildlife Fund

4.1.2. biologicaldiversity.org

4.1.3. Endangered Species : New Research

4.2. Pinpointing the reasons that species are declining in numbers.

4.2.1. World Wildlife Fund

4.2.2. biologicaldiversity.org

4.2.3. Endangered Species : New Research

4.3. Coming up with ways to fix the problems causing diminishing numbers.

4.3.1. World Wildlife Fund

4.3.2. biologicaldiversity.org

4.3.3. Endangered Species : New Research