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Water Website by Mind Map: Water Website

1. Survey

1.1. Do it by E-mail

1.2. Something people know about

2. Name

2.1. Water for life

2.2. Water needs

2.3. Water disasters

3. Video

3.1. Youtube

4. Links for information


4.2. Any news page (example:bbc news)


5. Colours

5.1. Background

5.1.1. Green

5.1.2. Blue

5.2. Writting

5.2.1. Black

5.2.2. Red

6. Pictures

6.1. People suffering lack of water

6.2. Tsunami

6.3. Floods

7. Gadgets

7.1. Translator

7.2. Games

7.3. Quiz

7.4. Puzzles