Stages of Personal Development

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Stages of Personal Development by Mind Map: Stages of Personal Development

1. Stage 3- initiative vs guilt (3-5 years)

1.1. explore and do things on their own

1.2. children learn new concepts

1.3. interaction of children at school

1.4. play is so important during this stage provides opportunity to explore their interpersonal skills through initiating activities

1.5. plan, make up games

1.6. feel secure in their ability to lead others

1.7. guilt

1.8. if control or criticism happens children can develop a sense of guilt

1.9. feel like they are a nuisance to others

1.10. too much guilt can make the child slow down to interact with others and slow down their creativity (some form of guilt is important to show self control/conscience of other people)

2. Stage 4 - industry vs inferiority (5 to 12 years)

2.1. learning to read and write

2.2. teachers are important during this stage as they teach the child specific skills

2.3. the child’s friends are a major impact on the development of the child’s self esteem

2.4. win approval by showing what they are good at and show a sense of pride

2.5. if children are encouraged and reinforced their initiative they begin to feel confident in achieving and want to do well. whereas if they aren’t encouraged or restricted by teacher or parent the child becomes inferior, doubting own ability and therefore potential of a child is decreased.

2.6. if a child can’t develop a skills they may feel left out then develop a sense of inferiority (lower class)

2.7. become more competitive

3. Stage 5 - identity vs role confusion

3.1. expected to develop their sexual identity through:

3.2. discovery of self

3.3. finding meaning to their personhood

3.4. more independent looking towards the future eg careers, relationships, families, housing

3.5. examine their identity find out exactly what it is that they see themselves doing/being

3.6. unsure about what is appropriate for them

3.7. expectations of parents may cause crisis

3.8. failure to find a sense of identity can lead to role confusion

4. Stage 7- Generativity vs. Stagnation (40-65 years)

4.1. give back to society through raising children, being productive at work, involved community activities/organisations

4.2. failing to achieve = become inactive/unproductive

4.3. find meaning in their work

4.4. able to contribute something meaningful to society and leave legacy- fail to do so and they feel unproductive member of society

5. Stage 1- Trust vs mistrust infant-(18 months)

5.1. Trust:

5.2. infants learn how to trust others especially in people who look after them- change nappies, feed and bath

5.3. feel that they are being cared for

5.4. consistent, predictable and reliable forms trust which they then care to other relationships

5.5. Mistrust:

5.6. some small babies may see the world threatening

5.7. depending how children are treated can cause threat to replace trust

5.8. mistrust can lead to other relationships can cause:

5.9. anxiety, insecure, feeling of world mistrust

6. Stage 2 - Autonomy vs shame and doubt (18months- 3 years)

6.1. children learn and get taught the basic ways of looking after themselves eg changing their clothes, going to the toilet and feeding themselves.

6.2. more mobile - walking away from mother (trust), picking up toys

6.3. allow children to explore the limits within their environment

6.4. when a child can not do this then it means they have to rely on others. this can make the child become shameful when he sees other children around his age performing these tasks on their own.

7. Stage 6- Intimacy vs Isolation (18-40 years)

7.1. share ourselves more intimately with others

7.2. relationships lead to long-term commitments w/ someone other than family member

7.3. successful completion = happy relationships, sense of commitment, safety, care w/in relo

7.4. avoiding intimacy and fearing commitments/relationships = isolation, loneliness, depression

7.5. become worried about finding right partner, if they fail may have to spend life alone

7.6. most vulnerable to feel intimacy/loneliness as they interact w/ a lot of people

8. Stage 8 -Integrity vs Despair (65+)

8.1. slow down productivity, explore life as retiree

8.2. contemplate accomplishments, develop integrity

8.3. if we feel as if our lives were unproductive - feelings of guilt that didn’t accomplish life goals, dissatisfied w/ life, despair, depression and hopelessness

8.4. success in this stage = wisdom - sense of closure and completeness, accept death w/out fear

8.5. important to feel sense of fulfillment knowing they’ve done something significant in younger years - they will feel content