How can we make things better?

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How can we make things better? por Mind Map: How can we make things better?

1. Year 9

1.1. options

1.1.1. tests

2. tests

2.1. maths, science and english

3. new uniform

3.1. skirts

3.2. wool jumpers

3.2.1. excema

3.2.2. have to wash by themselves

3.2.3. not eco friendly

4. new school

4.1. finding our classes

4.2. getting lost

4.3. be late to classes as its a big building!

5. petrol money

5.1. expensive

5.2. wont be able to afford it


6.1. scary, anxious

6.2. grades

7. Kirsty's rabbit flopsy

7.1. behavior

7.2. smell

8. Elise's brother

8.1. behavior

9. Kirsty's brother

9.1. goes too fast

9.2. bad driving

9.3. spends all his money

10. Elise's bedroom

10.1. box room

10.2. too small

11. Kirsty's dad

11.1. grumpy most of the time because of work.

11.2. work makes him stress.