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HCLC IDEAS создатель Mind Map: HCLC IDEAS

1. Pilot

1.1. Jobs

1.2. Money

2. Hockey

2.1. college

2.2. pro

2.2.1. money

2.2.2. how to get there

2.3. semi pro

2.3.1. what team

2.3.2. how to get there

3. trades

3.1. pluming

3.2. welding

3.3. electrition

3.4. mechanic

4. National Defence

4.1. army

4.2. air force

5. Defense

5.1. privet security

5.1.1. what do I need to do to find a job

5.2. bounty hunter

5.2.1. what background do I need

5.2.2. school?

5.3. state trooper

5.3.1. education

6. Mechanic

6.1. Different Types

6.2. job opportunities

6.3. education