by Виктория Плуталова
1. ANALYSIS stage is where the designer collects information about the intended results of the instruction, learners, available facilities and resources.
1.1. Define instructional goals: what learners will learn/be able to do as a result of the instruction
1.2. Gather information about learners current level of relevant skills/knowledge
1.3. Determine the financial, technological and time resources necessary for successful instruction
1.4. Develop the instructional map: in accordance with the points above, bulletpoint the skills/knowledge the learners will acquire as the steps to achieving the instructional goal
2. IMPLEMENTATION is when the actual instruction takes place
2.1. Train the instructors on the course objectives, content, tools, media and assessment
2.2. Prepare the learners, checking their prerequisites, informing them of the time, place and what they need for the course; ensuring their learning space is equipped with that is required by the course design
3. EVALUATION is a continuous process which takes place at all the stages from the analysis to implementation and beyond. It aims at understanding to what extent the course has been successful, the instructional goals have been achieved, and how the participants (learners, instructors, clients) feel about the course. Besides, evaluation is necessary to make timely corrections to the course in progress or for the following groups of learners.
3.1. Formative evaluation is conducted through all the stages of the course building to help understand the effectiveness of the steps and make changes accordingly
3.2. Summative evaluation is conducted at the end of the course to see how different participants (learners, instructors, clients) feel about the course, its clarity, effectiveness and feasibility
4. DESIGN stage deals with deciding on the content and specific activities/exercises of the course and assessment according to the analysis stage
4.1. Determine assessment content and form in accordance with the instructional goal and the instructional map
4.2. Determine the course format and pick tools and methods according to the instructional goals and resources
4.3. Determine the content and structure its delivery in lessons/training sessions
4.3.1. lectures
4.3.2. readings
4.3.3. discussions
4.3.4. projects
4.3.5. worksheets
4.3.6. assessments
4.3.7. activities