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Plants and Animals by Mind Map: Plants and Animals

1. 1. Classification

1.1. Characteristics

1.1.1. Dragons

1.2. Dichotomous keys

1.2.1. Alien Key

1.2.2. My lunchbox

1.2.3. Sharks

1.3. Heirarchy

2. 2. What makes something living?

2.1. Brainstorm to generate checklist

2.2. Powerpoint quiz

2.3. Voicethread - Students make

3. 3. Invertebrates

3.1. Snail prac

3.2. Snail dictagloss

4. 4. Vertebrates

4.1. New node

5. 6. Project

6. 7. Revision

7. 8. Test

8. 5. Plants