Define the Problem: I have been sent a photo of someone I know that portrays them in a bad situat...

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Define the Problem: I have been sent a photo of someone I know that portrays them in a bad situation on social media by Mind Map: Define the Problem: I have been sent a photo of someone I know that portrays them in a bad situation on social media

1. 1. Explore the Alternatives

1.1. A. Tell the person who sent it that they shouldn't share it with anyone else and/or delete it

1.2. B. Contact my friend who is in the photo

1.3. C. Ignore it, not my problem

2. 2. Consider the Consequences

2.1. A.

2.1.1. They will consent and no one will be harmed

2.1.2. They will retaliate and try to take bad photos of me

2.1.3. They'll keep it and show everyone

2.2. B.

2.2.1. My friend will thank me and consult the person sharing it

2.2.2. They'll grow apprehensive and pester me to do something about it

2.2.3. They will get mad and think I had something to do with it

2.2.4. They won't care

2.2.5. They'll take this to a trusted adult

2.3. C.

2.3.1. I will have a guilty consience

2.3.2. It could blow up into something much bigger that could result in my friend becoming depressed or harming themselves

3. 3. Identify my Values

3.1. Family and friends

3.2. Kindness

3.3. Doing the right thing

3.4. Respect

3.5. Standing up for others

4. 4. Decide and Act

4.1. I should combine both choices of A and B, first telling my friend and showing her the photo to ask her opinion

5. 5. Evaluate the Results

5.1. Telling my friend about the photo could result in her standing up to herself and telling trusted adults, thus making the bully understand her wrong ways. The bully will delete the picture and will cease to act in this sort of behaviour in the future. Telling my friend was hard because I didn't want to hurt his/her feelings, but it made us closer as friends. My friend will gain self-confidence and the bully will fix his/her wrong doings. The other people affected by this bully will also feel a lot better. If I could do it again, I would do the exact same thing.