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zv\\\ by Mind Map: zv\\\

1. the most the y have does they have do a for the mathr more to the people so the people wither for the ainth the are the ret and the witer for the life of the people whan for the live for the bsetiny and navaeh haaaaa for the people heart 76965 live good the can have neranht goth erath zath zerth for the more to de the framiy as the people the live of the people are see the are with rdse destiny her the you is the best.

2. Nymphadora Tonks

3. navaeh perry

3.1. destiny smith the day is halloween today is the oaytnhv trkvggj thrid trjicv trithi jefj spbhhb b8r4hh your the worer the you

4. nbjhjh uhygfn gvjg b yfhtg j ugv gyv h7fb 7y777 vhv ggchtg v yfvfidvfg ou toe sa the can me t tritae tnue h cgf cfdfdbg c fcctg g hgfch bg gtfbb uf hgccj fcicf fdfydcvv gfctecfdcb cgxc x cfrvvsvgdc cBHHHycvgb gb.

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6. hi

7. jgoj

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9. rygfyrg8y ggytec g hffv gfh yfjb hfy9 bhpygryvpr iprfphefyp hyhuffei huue9fuufuhrifhuv yw bfvrfsfeweyfgfyfyyvd rf bfvh fyrw

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10. fj

11. f

12. gofdfg rft ustd gysf gyzsdf zsyzfsef f yfhsffs;fyfsf wefe gstwef;ueftefs efyes

13. hi

14. childhood ifvrfrb yvvbvijgv7 rbgutr bv-