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D.E.C.I.D.E by Mind Map: D.E.C.I.D.E

1. Evaluate the Results

1.1. To choose between your parents or owing your frind 600 hundred dollars is pretty easy. I would choose to tell my parents just because they would understand what happened.

2. Decide and Act

2.1. Now I have to decide what to do tell my parents or tell my friend that i will pay him back soon It is a tough choice but I have to choose.

3. Identify Your Values

3.1. Since I broke my friends phone I don't think he or my family would trust ass well as they use too because a phone is really serious.

4. Define the Problem I asked my friend to borrow his phone An I break on accident. D.E.C.I.D.E

5. Consider the Consequences

5.1. For to ask my parents for them to pay for the broken phone would be a really big risk because I would get in a ton of trouble.

6. A way for me that could help me solve my problem is tell my parents and offer to pay them back.

7. Explore the Alternatives