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D.E.C.I.D.E. by Mind Map: D.E.C.I.D.E.

1. Define The Problem: Someone that I don't know begins to chat with me while I'm playing an online game and starts asking me inappropriate questions.

2. Explore The Alternatives:

2.1. You can block him

2.1.1. You can report him to the police because of emotional abuse You can just stop playing, and see if he's still stalking you tomorrow

3. Consider The Consequences

3.1. If you block him, he still has your address, and he can create a new account to stalk you.

3.1.1. If you report him to the police, you can get the guy arrested, and he won't prey on you for a good long while. Also, hopefully it's permanent due to the fact that he learns from his mistakes. You lose the fun and entertainment, but at least ur not being preyed on anymore.

4. Identify Your Values

4.1. Not really sure... I'm atheist. No real religious standards to adhere to.

4.1.1. Moral Values are heavily enforced by my mom, so I would try to be polite in the process of disconnecting from the person.

5. Decide & Act

5.1. I've decided to report him to the police, due to the fact that I still want to play the video game and they have authority.

6. Evaluate The Results

6.1. Yes! He's in jail now! I now know that the cops have my back whenever a stalker comes knocking!

6.1.1. Also, that guy can't stalk anyone else because he's been banned from accessing the internet!