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Decide by Mind Map: Decide

1. Define the problem: You arrive in your shared room after being out doing activities and discover that your bed is covered with all your roommate's wet clothing and towel

1.1. Explore the Alternatives Beat up your friend. Have a long talk with them about how they should not put their clothes on your bed. tell on them. Plot revenge on them.

1.1.1. Consider the consequences: Beat up your friend. This would get me kicked off the island, or get me beat up as well. Have a long talk with them about how they should not put their clothes on your bed. This would bore my friends and probably get them to ignore it or listen. tell on them. This would get them in trouble, get them to break our friendship and dislike me. Plot revenge on them. This would be funny in the short term, they might not tell, but i could get in trouble. Shout at them. Identify Your Values: i don't think that i would do any of these things except for plotting revenge. having the long talk is a close second, but i would get bored as well, i'm not a snitch, nor a hothead about fighting. i like to have a little fun though, just to teach them not to mess. Not a big one, just a little one. Shouting at them might break our friendship. Decide and act: The one that i would want to do most is get them back with something harmless yet funny, but it depends on whether it was an accident, i would probably just take it easy on the shouting, i would just make them apologise.