The Steps of D.E.C.I.D.E

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The Steps of D.E.C.I.D.E by Mind Map: The Steps of D.E.C.I.D.E

1. Define the Problem

1.1. During a PE lesson, I am asked to do a activity I am afraid of. This affects my mental and physical wellness

2. Exploring the Alternatives

2.1. 1. Run away from class and hide

2.2. 2. Face your fears and do the activity

2.3. 3. Ask the Teacher politely to change the activity

3. Consider the Consequences

3.1. Step 1 Consequences- Getting in trouble and not conquering your fear

3.2. Step 2 Consequences- You will conquer your fear but might embarrass yourself

3.3. Step 3 Consequences- Everyone else misses out on the opportunity but you don't have to face your fear

4. Identify your Values

4.1. I would go with Step 2 because I usually can face my fears headstrong which gives a good outcome

5. Decide and Act

5.1. I am making the decision of doing the activity because overcoming fears can be good for you and because of that, you can improve your mental wellness!

6. Evaluate your Results

6.1. The end result was positive because I successfully did the activity and I achieved a higher mental wellness without any hindrances and conquered a fear