1. Define the problem - The issue is that my friends are beating up a new kid and they want me to...

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1. Define the problem - The issue is that my friends are beating up a new kid and they want me to join them. This is definitely important enough to warrant using decide because this could impact both the new kid and my life. The new kid shouldn't be hurt, and I don't want to get in trouble and endanger my future. by Mind Map: 1. Define the problem - The issue is that my friends are beating up a new kid and they want me to join them. This is definitely important enough to warrant using decide because this could impact both the new kid and my life. The new kid shouldn't be hurt, and I don't want to get in trouble and endanger my future.

1. 2. Explore the Alternatives - There are no alternatives similar to beating up the new kid because that is horrible. But an alternative is by standing up for the weaker side, which is the new kid that is getting bullied. I could even ask the new kid if he wants to hang out sometime so I can change what he thinks of me/us.

2. 5. Decide the Act - Because of the data and thoughts I have collected, I have came to a conclusion that this is absolutely unacceptable. But there is more than one solution. I think I will invite the new kid to hang out with me sometime so he can learn that I am not that type of person

3. 6. Evaluate the results - How did your decision work out? How has it affected your life? How has it affected others? What did you learn? My decision worked out great. This has definitely affected my life because if I chose to beat him up, I could never be hired for a job and everybody would treat me differently. This might even improve my life. The word could spread. People could learn about my values and what I've done. I learned that before I choose to do anything that might affect my life, I need to use the DECIDE strategy.

4. 3. Consider the Consequences - Something that could happen if I decide to beat him up with my friends is that an adult would find out and I could go to court or juvenile and get suspended or even expelled from school. Because of these reasons, this is not something to follow through with. There are no positive results except maybe boosting my self confidence if I was really insecure about myself and wanted to seem powerful, which I don't.

5. 4. Identify your Values - The kind of person I am would not do this. Would any reasonable person be okay with this? Absolutely not. This would definitely be anti-school rules for any school in the whole world. Was I raised like this? No. Was it taught to beat up new kids and be mean? No. This does not fill any long time goals I have.