Save the Sloths

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Save the Sloths by Mind Map: Save the Sloths

1. Home

1.1. pictures of sloths, picture of where sloths live, title, donation

1.1.1. digital photo editing and logos, infographs

2. About Me

2.1. name, age, college, why I designed this website

2.1.1. infograph- picture of myself

3. Resources

3.1. other websites I used

3.1.1. infographs

4. Contact

4.1. name and email

4.1.1. social media

5. Facts

5.1. Facts about sloths

5.1.1. infographs

6. Location

6.1. Where the sloths live/ picture of map

6.1.1. infographs- maps of location of sloths

7. Pictures

7.1. Pictures of sloths

7.1.1. video or animations, infograph- of sloths

8. Donate

8.1. Where to donate to help sloths

8.1.1. social media webpage to donate

9. Strategic Planning