Moderate Libertarianism

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Moderate Libertarianism by Mind Map: Moderate Libertarianism

1. Strategic Planning

2. About Me

2.1. This page will include all sorts of things about me. There will be my credentials, past experiences in fields related to poli sci, my personal views on the free market and social justice and what kind of life i live.

2.1.1. logo, photo of me, text box about my life

3. Platform

3.1. In this page i will discuss the libertarian party platform and what the party stands for.

3.1.1. Logo, photos of popular libertarians, text with the platform information

4. The Issues

4.1. on this page i will talk about common issues/controversies where moderate libertarians may have a stake in, and give a detailed explanation on how the moderate platform of libertarianism interprets a solution.

4.1.1. Logo, links to articles where libertarians care about the issues, current event articles and text boxes with information about our stance

5. Party Quiz

5.1. There will be a quiz here to take that will tell you what your likely party preference is.

5.1.1. logo, a couple of headline links to articles on "The Issues", the quiz itself

6. Home Page

6.1. Articles related to the social aspect of libertarianism. There will be good examples of fiscal responsibility while not forgetting about the social aspect of libertarianism. There will be links to solid moderate sources like, and will blast racist conservative media like breitbart news and fox news. There will be links to read about news that libertarians might be interested in or may hold a stake in; as well as most any political news regarding international politics and President Trump.

6.1.1. logo, images, links to stuff on other pages like articles and the quiz

7. Contact page

7.1. on this page i will put methods to get a hold of me or my partners. Things like phone numbers, email addresses and links to websites im affiliated with.

7.1.1. logo. one image of the libertarian logo, links to the website, emails and numbers

8. Resources

8.1. Here i will link all external resources related to the website i created. i will reference a lot of publications, media outlets, personal opinions, and books about the ideology.

8.1.1. logo, hyperlinks to other libertarian websites, places to buy books related to libertarianism, libertarian party official platform

9. Centrality

9.1. Describe the differences with examples between libertarians and the other 2 major political parties and why libertarians have it correct.

9.1.1. logo, images of donkey and elephant with porcupine in middle, links to other party platform pages, text boxes with information