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HUMSS by Mind Map: HUMSS

1. Social Science 1: Contemporary Arts

1.1. Meaning and Importance of Arts

1.2. Elements of Arts

1.3. Phil. Arts History

1.4. Modern Arts

1.5. Contemporary arts

2. General Mathematics

2.1. Functions: Compositions, Evaluation and Operations.

2.2. Rational Equations

2.3. Rational Inequality

2.4. Inverse Functions

2.5. Rational Equations

3. Empowerment Technology

3.1. Computer ethics

3.2. Spreadsheet

3.3. Powerpoint

3.4. Photoshoppe

3.5. Website

4. English 4

4.1. Multiple Intelligence

4.2. Macro Skills

4.3. Kinds of Context Clues

4.4. Author's Purposes

4.5. Word Structure

5. Earth Science

5.1. Universe

5.2. Origin of Earth

5.3. Sphere of Earth

6. Body Mass Index

7. Filipino

7.1. Kahulugan

7.2. Kasaysayan

7.3. Kagamitan

8. Oral Communication

8.1. Communication

8.2. Elements and Importance

8.3. Models

8.4. 7C's

8.5. Communication Style and Strategies

8.6. Speech Act Theory

9. Social Science 3

9.1. Sociology

9.2. Anthropology

9.3. Political Science

10. Physical Education

10.1. Cardiovascular Endurance

10.2. Cardiovascular Strength

10.3. Fitness

10.4. Physical Fitness

10.5. Health

11. New Topic

12. New Topic