Transition Tampa: Creating a Transition movement away from fossil fuels in the Tampa city area.

Creating a Transition movement away from fossil fuels in the Tampa city and surrounding areas.

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Transition Tampa: Creating a Transition movement away from fossil fuels in the Tampa city area. por Mind Map: Transition Tampa: Creating a Transition movement away from fossil fuels in the Tampa city area.

1. Tampa Residents interested in Transition

1.1. Kelly Benjamin

1.2. John Rodriguez

1.3. Anita Stewart

1.4. Rebbecca Blanco

1.5. Robin Milcowitz

1.6. Bruce LeRoy

1.7. David Palange

2. Outside Inputs

2.1. Don Hall- Transition Trainer

2.2. Eric Stewart- Code Green Community

3. Steps for Transition

3.1. Create a Steering group - Find a dedicated core group of people looking to pursue transition locally.

3.1.1. Host Skype meeting

3.1.2. Host Maestro Conference Call

3.2. Raise Awareness - Host films and Workshops built to inform and generate participation of the community

3.2.1. Create Facebook fan page

3.2.2. Create Twitter

3.2.3. Create Webpage

3.2.4. Plan for film showings

3.3. Lay Foundations- Build collaborations with existing organizations

3.3.1. Ambassador for Code Green Community: Post Events, Write Blogs, Upload Photo's, Create Video's.

3.4. Diversify Roles: Create work groups focus on transitioning certain aspects of community away from fossil fuels.

3.4.1. Food work Group

3.4.2. Energy work group

3.4.3. Economics work group

3.4.4. Transportation work group

4. Company/Organization collaboration

4.1. Roosevelt 2.0

4.2. The Bridge

4.3. USF (University of South Florida)

4.3.1. Clubs Food Activists Revolutionizing Meals (F.A.R.M.) Student Environmental Association (S.E.A.)

4.3.2. Office of Sustainability Dr. Christian Wells Joseph Michalski

4.3.3. Center of Leadership and Civic Engagement?

4.4. UT (University of Tampa)

4.4.1. Clubs

4.4.2. Office of Sustainability

4.5. WMNF 88.5

4.5.1. Sustainability Show

5. City Neighborhoods

5.1. New Tampa

5.2. Citrus Park

5.3. Carrollwood

5.4. South Tampa

5.5. Channelside

5.6. Hyde Park

5.7. Seminole Heights

5.8. Ybor City

5.9. West Tampa

5.10. Temple Terrace

6. City Government


7. New node