Politics Politics is about how groups of people – large or small – make decisions about how to l...

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Politics Politics is about how groups of people – large or small – make decisions about how to live together and govern themselves. by Mind Map: Politics  Politics is about how groups of people – large or small – make decisions about how to live together and govern themselves.

1. Political Power

1.1. Political Power Definition:

1.2. Community Example:

1.3. Newspaper Example:

1.4. Influence

1.4.1. Definition:

1.4.2. Newspaper Example:

1.4.3. Community Example:

1.5. Authority

1.5.1. Definition:

1.5.2. Community Example:

1.5.3. Newspaper Example

1.6. Compromise

1.6.1. Definition:

1.6.2. Community Example:

1.6.3. Newspaper Example:

1.7. Partisan

1.7.1. Definition:

1.7.2. Community Example:

1.7.3. Newspaper Example:

2. Political Perspective

2.1. Definition:

2.1.1. Who I am:

2.1.2. Where I am:

3. Common Good

3.1. Definition:

3.2. Community Example:

3.3. Newspaper Example: