Autumn Christensen sophomore year portfolio.

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Autumn Christensen sophomore year portfolio. por Mind Map: Autumn Christensen sophomore year portfolio.

1. 3 Essay Comparison

1.1. Reflection

1.2. Standard 4 & 5

1.3. Harmless Entertainment

1.4. Not Guilty

1.5. Slavery in Brazil

2. Genetic Counseling Project!

2.1. Reflection

2.2. SWLO: communication/tech

2.3. Punnet Square

2.4. Hemophilia Pedigree

3. "Knockouts" bacteria

3.1. Reflection

3.2. SWLO: communication/content

3.3. video

4. Grades

4.1. SWLOS:

4.2. Math

4.3. English/world History

4.4. Biohealth

5. The Odyssey Jeopardy!

5.1. Standard 3

5.2. Jeopardy!

5.3. Reflection

6. Visual Vocab!

6.1. Standard 1

6.2. Power Point!

6.3. Reflection

7. Cell Analogy Powerpoint Presentation!

7.1. Standard 7

7.2. Powerpoint

7.3. Reflection

8. Fable A-Z

8.1. Standard 6

8.2. Reflection

8.3. "The Ass, the fox, and the Lion"