Sophomore Year 2010-2011

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Sophomore Year 2010-2011 by Mind Map: Sophomore Year 2010-2011

1. Mitosis Rap

1.1. SWLO

1.2. Video

1.3. Reflection

2. 3 Essay Comparison

2.1. Standard

2.2. Harmless Entertainment?

2.3. Letter to Me

2.4. Writer's Workshop

2.5. Reflection

3. Oppression Website

3.1. Standard

3.2. Website

3.3. Reflection

4. Religion Islam

4.1. Standard 7

4.2. Powerpoint

4.3. Reflection

5. Organelles

5.1. Standard

5.2. Artifact

5.3. Reflection

6. Changing the World

6.1. Standards

6.2. Service Learning Project

6.3. Impact on the World Rubric

6.4. Reflection

7. Clothing store

7.1. Standard

7.2. Modern Store

7.3. Reflection

8. Genetic Counselling

8.1. SWLO

8.2. Reflection

8.3. Cystic Fibrosis Info

8.4. Punnett Square

8.5. Pedigree

9. Standardized Testing

9.1. PSAT

9.2. ACT Plan

9.2.1. Reflection

9.3. Interims

9.3.1. Interim 2B Standards 10.4.2, 10.4.13, 10.5.1, 10.5.3, 10.6.1-100% Mastery. Standards 10.4.2 & 10.4.10- Did Not Master.

9.3.2. Interim 3A Standards 10.3.6, 10.3.9, & 10.5.4-100% Mastery. Standard Did Not Master

9.3.3. Interim 3B Standard 10.2.1-100% Mastery

9.3.4. Interim 4A Standards 10.5.3 & 10.6.2- 100% Mastery. Standard 10.5.1-Did Not Master

9.3.5. Interim 4B Standard 9.5.1, 10.5.4, 10.6.2-100% Mastery

9.3.6. Interim 5A Standards 10.1.1, 10.2.4 & 10.2.5-100% Mastery. Standard 10.2.1-Did Not Master.

10. Grades

10.1. World History/English

10.1.1. Semester 1: 94%

10.1.2. Semester 2: 85.5*

10.2. Biology/Health

10.2.1. Semester 1: 97%

10.2.2. Semester 2: 95%*

10.3. Spanish

10.3.1. Semester 1: 92%

10.3.2. Semester 2: 92%*

10.4. Psychology/Sociology

10.4.1. Semester 1: 87%

10.4.2. Semester 2: 92%*

10.5. Algebra II

10.5.1. Semester 1: 85%

10.5.2. Semester 2: 89%*

10.6. *:As of 5/10/11-These grades may change as the year continues to come to its end.

11. Wix Page *view last

12. Introduction Letter