Work Portfollio Map
by Valerie Hart
1. Oppression
1.1. Oppression Website
1.2. Oppression Essay
1.3. Reflection
2. Spanish
2.1. Quize
2.2. Ch.5 Exam
2.3. Reflection
3. 3 Essay Comparison
3.1. Hero or Criminal Persuasion Essay
3.2. Oppression Essay
3.3. Service Learning Project Essay
3.4. Reflection
4. Organelles
4.1. Organelles
4.2. Reflection
5. Microbes
5.1. Food Safetly Video
5.2. Reflection
6. The Odyssey
6.1. Cover to CD
6.2. Reflection
7. Algebra II
7.1. Test
7.2. Work Sheet
7.3. Reflection
8. Data
8.1. PLAN SAT Scores
8.2. NWEA Student Progress Report
8.3. Reflection
9. Personal Page
10. Conclusion
11. Introduction