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Rigo's Portfolio by Mind Map: Rigo's Portfolio

1. Invention of Henry Ford

1.1. Standard ELA 10.5.1 Write biographical or autobiographical narratives or short stories

1.2. Power Point

1.3. Reflection

2. Baby No Baby "Interview"

2.1. Standard ELA 10.7.5 Produce concise notes for extemporaneous speeches (speeches delivered without a planned script).

2.2. Pedigree/Punnet Squares

2.3. Reflection

3. Power Point "Mark Zuckerberg"

3.1. Standard ELA 10.7.10 Assess how language and delivery affect the mood and tone of the oral communication and make an impact on the audience.

3.2. Power Point

3.3. Reflection

4. Power Point "Role Models"

4.1. Standard ELA 10.7.10 Assess how language and delivery affect the mood and tone of the oral communication and make an impact on the audience.

4.2. Power Point

4.3. Reflection

5. Introduction

6. Power Point "All About Me

6.1. Standard ELA 10.7.10 Assess how language and delivery affect the mood and tone of the oral communication and make an impact on the audience.

6.2. PPT

6.3. Reflection

7. World Change "Rubric and Poster

7.1. Standard ELA 10.4.1 Discuss ideas for writing with classmates,teachers,and other writers and develop drafts alone and collaboratively.

7.2. Artifact

7.3. Reflection

8. Slavery Opression "Iran"

8.1. Standard ELA 10.2.3 Demonstrate use of sophisticated technology by following technical directions

8.2. Wix Website

8.3. Reflection

9. Personal Wix Website