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Socialization by Mind Map: Socialization

1. Types of socialization

1.1. Primary Socialization

1.2. Development Socialization

1.3. 3. Anticipatory Socialization

1.4. 4. Resocialization

1.5. 5. Broad Socialization

1.6. 6. Narrow Socialization

1.7. 7. Natural Socialization

1.8. 8. Positive Socialization

1.9. 9. Negative Socialization

2. Helps to became disciplined.

3. Helps to enacat different roles.

4. Provides the knowledge of skills

5. Socialization Institutions

5.1. The family

5.2. Religion

5.3. Peer Group

5.4. Legal System

5.5. Mass Media

6. Socialzation contributes to the development of personality.