Canadian Families By: Hannah Boganee

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Canadian Families By: Hannah Boganee by Mind Map: Canadian Families By: Hannah Boganee

1. Canadian Families

1.1. Family Formes

1.1.1. Mother, father, Childern

1.2. Roles

1.2.1. Father: Given

1.2.2. Mother: Given

1.2.3. Children: Gven

1.3. Reason For Change

1.3.1. Children go off to school

1.3.2. Parents have another Child

1.4. Family Functions

1.4.1. Socialization: The most conmen Religion at that time was Christianity

1.4.2. Nurturance: Love each other and support each other when needed

1.4.3. Physical Maintenance: Anyone in the family that wold get sick or get hurt would then be taken care of by someone else in the family for example the mother taking care of the child that might have been sick or hurt

1.5. History

1.5.1. Most of the family were descendants of European settlers

2. My Family

2.1. Family Forms

2.1.1. Dad, two brothers and myself

2.2. Roles

2.2.1. Dad: Given

2.2.2. Oldest Brother: Given

2.2.3. Youngest Brother: Given

2.2.4. Little Sister: Given

2.3. Reasons For Change

2.3.1. Death: Mother passed away

2.4. Family Functions

2.4.1. Socialization: My dad and Mom taught me the language I speak at home

2.4.2. Nurturance: My dad and my brothers are there for me in my time of need

2.4.3. Physical Maintenance: When I'm sick my dad takes me to the doctor

2.5. History

2.5.1. My parents got married and came to Canada with the rest of the family on my dads side

3. First Nation Families

3.1. Family Forms

3.1.1. families would live with many other families(extended families) for example they would live with there grandparents or cousins

3.2. Roles

3.2.1. Grandparents:Given

3.2.2. Mother: Given

3.2.3. Father: Given

3.2.4. Children: Given

3.3. Reason For Change

3.3.1. children get taken to residential schools

3.3.2. Death: parents,grandparents

3.3.3. Birth

3.4. Family Functions

3.4.1. Socialization: Spirituality was taught to children at a very young age

3.4.2. Nurturance: Family is something very important to First Nation people therefore families were very close

3.4.3. Physical Maintenance: when a family member got sick or hurt the rest of the family would help take care of the person that was sick/hurt

3.5. History

3.5.1. A lot of First Nations families lost a lot of their culture because of residential schools