How to be successful in life

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How to be successful in life by Mind Map: How to be successful in life


2. 2-Find what you love to do and do it. From OPHAY WINFREY.

3. 3- Do not be afraid of farture

4. 4- Be a man of accion. From LEONARDO DA VINCI.

5. 5- Avoid conflicts. From THEODORE ROOSELT.

6. 6- Don't be afraid of introducing new ideas. From MARK TWAIN.

7. 7- Believe in your capacity to succed. From WALTER DISNEY.

8. 8- Always maintain a positive mental attitude. From THOMAS JEFFERSON

9. 9- Don`t let discouragement stop you from pressing on. From ABRAHAM LINCOLN.

10. 10- Before anything else, the preparation is the one that points the way to success. From DAYANA PAJARO