(Scenario 6) The problem is that someone behind a screen is asking you innaporpretate questions, ...

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(Scenario 6) The problem is that someone behind a screen is asking you innaporpretate questions, which makes you feel uncomfertable. by Mind Map: (Scenario 6) The problem is that someone behind a screen is asking you innaporpretate questions, which makes you feel uncomfertable.

1. Explore the Alternatives: some things you can do - Get off the website - Tell someone -Report the account -lead them on -give him personal details.

2. VALUES: If you were to go along with this situation and thought it was okay to be exploring at your young age with your brain wanted to take risks and break rules, without thinking about the consequences. You may want to think about how this could put a bad reputation on your family and you. Once it would get out of hand later and you would have no choice but to tell someone it would spread, your family and you would lose respect. Even though the situation didn’t have anything to do with your family, in society people will look at them differently thinking they raised you or didn’t teach you enough.

3. Decide and Act: If I were in this situation the first thing I would probbably do is close the website or screenshot it for proof along with the persons screen account name, because if someone didn't believe me I would have proof or if I thought to report this later on, I would have his screen name. Then I would tell a friend or friends because then they would be warned, and be alert on this website If they were on it.

4. Try MeisterTask!

5. CONSIDERING YOUR POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE CONSEQUENSES: If you were to get of the website, the outcome would hopefully be positive because then you would automatically be walking away from the situation. Telling someone and reporting the account would be a automatic stop if you are planning to play this online game again. Leading him on or giving out your “digital footprints” could lead to some very risky or dangerous situations. This person could track you down, stalk you, and keep harassing you. This would be a negative consequence if this was your alternative.

6. In the end after acting upon the issue I would be more aware, because something like this would happen sooner or later, so the sooner the more aware and you are able to teach yourself to avoid being in the situation in the first place, when to stop, when to tell someone... etc..