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Killian Figueroa создатель Mind Map: Killian Figueroa

1. Childhood

1.1. I am born and raised in Lake Mary, Florida. Although I had never lived on another house for the enitrety of my childhood, my parents would always strive to diversify my outlook on different cultures by planning family trips to places such as Hawaii, Mexico, and Puerto Rico.

1.2. As I child I tried a variety of sports such as track & feild, soccer, and basketball. Although my coordination as a child was far from top notch, I managed to try my best and persevere on and off the bench.

1.3. I grew up with my only brother who is a year older than me. Throughout our late teens we worked together in instructing tutoring classes for local students who need help in SAT, ACT, and ISEE prep.

2. Profession & Link

2.1. the first out of my 2 occupations is working at a local restaurant by the name of Burger Fi, located near my local college. I am currently working my way up in the ranks while learning new positions in the front and back of house such as cashier, food runner, grill, fry, and assembly.

2.2. My second professions is a tutoring job at a company called solutions test prep. There, I prepare students fora variety of tests such as ACT, SAT, and ISEE. I also hold private tutoring sessions for students who need extra studying and more assistance on their school work.

2.3. In the fall, I work hand in hand with a local private school by the name of Park Maitland. At the school,, I work with my brother to hold after school tutoring sessions to prepare students to take the ISEE test as they transfer into a private school that conducts on a high school level.

3. Personal Goals

3.1. I hope to gradate with a major in education and a minor in business. With both a major and a minor, I feel that it can help me greatly in improving my parents' tutoring company as it gives me a wide variety of skills in teaching and in business management as well

3.2. Although my parents' company remains my first priority, I would love to one day take my skills of teaching into classroom environments where many underprivileged students occupy. I feel that giving back to the community in any way that one can is held at a very high priority for my future goals.

3.3. I have always been a fan of traveling and hope to one day see the world up close and go to places one would only see in magazines. I hope to document all my travels and write down accounts of the people I meet along the way in order to truly open my eyes to the wide range of spirit that the worlds has to offer.