Chronic Illness - Breast Cancer

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Chronic Illness - Breast Cancer by Mind Map: Chronic Illness - Breast Cancer

1. Social Support

1.1. Socially excluded from daily activities

1.2. Nil support from husband

2. Co-morbidity

2.1. Anxiety

2.2. Depression

2.3. Stress

3. Causes

3.1. Genetics

3.2. Low immunity

4. Multidiscliplinary team

4.1. General Practitioner

4.2. Oncologist

4.3. Pharmacist

4.4. Nurse

4.5. Psychologist

4.6. Social Worker

5. Social determinate of health

5.1. Gender

5.2. Physical wellness

5.3. Emotional

5.3.1. Depression

5.3.2. Anxiety

5.4. Unemployment

5.4.1. Financial strain

5.5. Socially excluded

6. Treatment

6.1. Chemotherapy

6.2. Mastectomy

6.3. No treatment?

7. Self-management aims

7.1. Low self maintenance

7.2. Difficulty maintaining family needs

8. Models of care

8.1. Flinders Model of Self Management

8.2. Wagner's Chronic Care Model Approach

8.3. Patient Centred Medical Home Model