Case studies

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Case studies by Mind Map: Case studies

1. Case study 2

1.1. In order to overcome the problems with their initial e-commerce approach, DetailsDirect worked hard to establish a niche market. This meant going away from selling the traditional catalogue items online to selling those items that constituted a niche market. They established markets in custom style designer clothes and maternity wear for women.

1.2. They established markets in custom style designer clothes and maternity wear for women. By focusing only on a few targeted consumer groups, a solid and expanded customer base was established. After moving from selling the catalogue items online to a more niche market style of products, a strategy was developed to attract consumers to the site and make them trust the company.

2. Case study 3

2.1. The Totally Fun Toys motto is: "Toys that stimulate, creativity, learning, and healthy play". They began their ret ail operations in 1998 and went online in 1999. Totally Fun Toys target market is the middle aged, middle income family.

2.1.1. Materials

2.1.2. Personnel

2.1.3. Services

2.1.4. Duration

2.2. An innovative approach Totally Fun Toys is taking in terms of e-commerce is their affiliate marketing program. This program allows other sites to market the Totally Fun Toys website for a fee. The affiliate program has allowed their website to be widely marketed and advertised in the online community.

3. Case study 1

3.1. To continue their market thrust and decided they needed a strategy that would broaden their customer base. Their strategy consisted of moving the business online to attract more customers from a broader geographic region

3.2. This includes placing a more diverse set of products on the site, thus having the ability to broaden their customer base. By placing the busin ess on the Internet, Muldoons has seen an increase in sales.